Wednesday, January 4

HELLO?? Anybody Home?

I'm unsure as to whether or not anyone would still want to read my rantings and ravings, as I've not submitted a new post for almost a year now, but I'm going to try and post one a week in 2012. Likely to be about books, what I'm reading or discussing at Goodreads or 4MysteryAddicts or DorothyL, or maybe crafts or cats or spiritual matters...!

It's bitterly cold around here (Boston) today, and I'm pretty much inside for the duration - my cranky old body does NOT like weather extremes any more. I'll hopefully be back later today with a post that will

1. Make more sense. (yeah, "as if" *that* is likely to happen any time soon...)
2. Contains something somebody might actually want to read
3. and has actually been thought out and organized!

Here's Hoping! that 2012 will prove to be an entertaining, interesting, happy year for us all.

affectionately, Abbey

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